Bound by Fate is a physical ship zine dedicated to Gojo Satoru x Itadori Yuuji, aka GoYuu!Applications are open and will close September 22nd, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST!

Welcome to our Bound by Fate: a 5U Zine that's dedicated to Gojo x Yuuji! Here you can read about our zine and what's expected from it!


What is a zine/fanzine?
A zine is a fanmade booklet/magazine that is a collection of art and/or writing revolving around a particular subject or theme. It usually comes with merchandise alongside the booklet, both of which may be digital and/or physical.
What is this zine about?
This zine is about the romantic ship Gojo Satoru x Itadori Yuuji and exploring them in both canon and non-canon settings!
What are the zine specifications?
Our zine will be an A5 perfect bound zine with various merch options! Templates will be provided!
Is this zine for-profit or for-charity? What does that mean?
This zine is a For-Profit zine. This means that all profits earned from the zine's sales will be equally distributed between contributors and mods.
Do the mods have any experience running zines? Who are they?
Yes, we have a very experienced mod team! You can learn more about us here.


Is this a ship zine?
Yes, this is a ship zine focused on the pairing Gojo Satoru x Itadori Yuuji from Jujutsu Kaisen. We will not be featuring any other JJK ships, even side ships, just to avoid causing any discomfort for those looking for 5U only.
Is NSFW allowed?
No, NSFW will not be allowed in the main zine. We are planning on having both NSFW and Dead Dove side zine add-ons, though!
*Please note that dead dove content is not allowed in the main zine or side NSFW zine. Dead dove includes but is not limited to: rape/non-con, dubcon, incest, bestiality, extreme brutality/torture, or anything else incredibly disturbing/upsetting. We also require that you do not create any work featuring 5U with anybody else. Overall, we ask that you use discretion, but we will help you along the pitches process if accepted!Is this zine focused on GoYuu only or is YuuGo allowed as well?
Our zine is GoYuu only. We will also not be allowing any other ships besides 5U, though, including polyamorous ships, threesomes, or cheating/infidelity involving Gojo or Yuuji with someone else.
Are AUs allowed?
Yes, this zine is open to all canon and non-canon intepretations of 5U! :D


How many contributors will you have?
Our team will be comprised of a total of 21 page artists, 10 writers, and 5 merch artists. This number includes all guests and mods.
What kinds of pieces are page artists making?
Page artists will be making one piece that will cover an entire page of the zine. Some artists may sign up to create a spread or comic as well.
What's the word count range for writers?
The word count required for writers is 2,000-2,500 words.
Once the zine is completed, do I retain the rights to my work?
Yes, absolutely! We do ask that while the zine is still actively going (starting from creation period through to shipping for leftover sales) that you do not share, post, or sell your work until the mods have given you the go ahead to do so! But you will retain all rights to your work upon the zine's completion and the zine will not retain its rights to distribute your work.
How will contributors and mods communicate/keep in contact?
Our main mode of contact is through Discord and email! We do require that you have a Discord account so that you can join our zine's server; we will frequently make announcements and updates there. We will, however, also send out emails for the more important announcements. Also, any important or sensitive information (such as emails and addresses) will remain completely confidential from other contributors; only the mod team will be able to view this information.
Will contributors receive free copies of the zine?
All contributors will receive the digital zine for free! We are also aiming to be able to compensate all contributors with full bundles as thanks for contributing their time and creativity. Whether or not we're able to do this is wholly dependent on sales.
Are minors allowed to participate?
No, we require that every contributor be 18+ at the time of joining our zine. If we find out at any time that a contributor is under the age of 18, we will be removing them immediately from the zine.
Am I allowed to drop out if something happens where I can no longer contribute to the zine?
Yes, you may drop out of the zine at any time if needed. We just ask that you inform us ASAP so that we may contact a pinch-hitter to cover your spot as soon as we can.

Meet the Mods!

Role: Co-head, Writing, & Social Media Mod

About: Hi! Call me Bee! I love goyuu like SO much. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Gege should make them kiss.

🩵 9:5 a Nanami Kento Zine — Co-head & Writing Mod
🧡 New Winds: A Studio Ghibli Zine — Head & Social Media Mod
🩵 Kindred: A Choso Zine — Social Media Mod
🧡 Mod for 9+ zines
🩵 Contributor for 19+ zines

Role: Co-head, Organization, Communications, & Layout/Formatting Mod

About: Hi hi! I'm Dianna and... [through tears] I think goyuu are, like, SO neat.

🩵 Blue & Violet: an Indigo Zine — Head, Organization, Communications, Writing, Finance, Layout/Formatting, Graphics, Social Media, & Writing Mod
🧡 Mosaic: a MiniMoni Zine — Head, Organization, Communications, Writing, & Social Media, & Layout/Formatting Mod
🩵 Infinity With You: A GoYuu Wedding Collection Zine — Layout/Formatting Mod
🧡 Mod for 10+ zines
🩵 Contributor for 25+ zines

Role: Finance/Production & Shipping Mod

About: tired incarnation of anxiety hoarding zines and pins like a dragon

🩵 9:5 a Nanami Kento Zine — Co-head, Finance/Production, and Shipping Mod
🧡 Horizons: An ItaFushi Zine — Finance/Production & Shipping Mod
🩵 Accursed Machinations: A JJK Villains/Antagonists Zine — Finance/Production & Shipping Mod
🧡 Calamity: A Ryomen Sukuna Zine — Finance/Production & Shipping Mod
🩵 Mod for 35+ zines
🧡 Contributor for 17+ zines

Patsu, 25+, she/her

Role: Graphics Mod

About: Hello, I’m Patsu! I love gojo-sensei and yuuji’s dynamic together in the story and I’m really happy to be part of this upcoming 5u zine!

🩵 Freelance Graphic Artist
🧡 Artist Alley Exhibitor at local events
🩵 Infinity With You: A GoYuu Wedding Collection Zine — Page Artist

Role: Art Mod

About: Corporate drone here for a good time and meeting other creatives!

🩵 Fire Lily: A SukuGo Zine — Head/SocMed Mod
🧡 Swords & Sorcery: A JJK Fantasy Zine — Intern Mod
🩵 Infinite Void: A Gojo Reverse Bang — General/Discord Mod
🧡 Contributor for 15+ zines


Interest Check Opens: July 17th 2024
Interest Check Closes: August 9th 2024
Applications Open: August 18th 2024
Applications Close: September 22nd 2024
Results Sent Out: October 1st 2024
Pitches Due: October 11th 2024
Pitch Assignment Sent Out: October 15th
Check-in 1: November 8th 2024
Check-in 2: December 6th 2024
Check-in 3: January 10th 2025
Final Submissions Due: February 8th 2025
Formatting Begins: February 2025-onward
Pos Open: March 14th 2025 (White Day)
Pos Close: May 2nd 2025 (5U day)
Production: May/April 2025
Shipping: April/June 2025
Leftovers: July/August 2025
Zine Close Date: September/October 2025 (subject to ending earlier)

This zine operates in PST!

Application Guidelines


Please read over our About page if you haven't already!This zine will focus on writing, art, and merchandise with some contributors brought on through invitation but most through our application process.There will be two digital side zines created by accepted contributors.. One is a NSFW zine and the other is a Dead Dove zine. Contributing to these zines is not required and only voluntary from our contributors.We are accepting 16 page artists, 6 writers, and 3 merch artists through applications. This number does not include guests and mods! You can apply for multiple roles, but we will only accept you for one. You must 18+ to apply.Applications close September 22nd, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST.


💙 We are asking that you provide a portfolio as well as 3 finished pieces, preferably with backgrounds.🧡 One of your three samples must include Gojo and/or Yuuji.💙 Samples should showcase the style you plan on using for the zine! Please do NOT submit your entire portfolio link for each sample, you must choose separate samples for each one that best represent your artwork.🧡 If you choose to include NSFW pieces, please make sure to let us know that they're NSFW! Please also tag any triggers that might be included in your samples, like any explicit content, MCD, gore, dead dove, etc.💙 While linking your examples below, please remember that if you're using Google Drive, make sure your privacy settings for the link allow us to view them! You're more than welcome to use any other sites as well, like links to your Twitter, DeviantArt, photo hosting sites, etc.‼️ Links that don't work may disqualify you. We recommend testing your links in an Incognito browser!


💙 We are asking that you provide a portfolio as well as 3 samples of merch that you've done before or think would work as a merch item. You're more than welcome to also share art pieces to fulfill the 3 example requirement (ex. something you'd see on an art print vs a single charm)🧡 One of your three samples must include Gojo and/or Yuuji.💙 Samples should showcase the style you plan on using for the zine! Please do NOT submit your entire portfolio link for each sample, you must choose separate samples for each one that best represent your artwork.🧡 If you choose to include NSFW pieces, please make sure to let us know that they're NSFW! Please also tag any triggers that might be included in your samples, like any explicit content, MCD, gore, dead dove, etc.💙 While linking your examples below, please remember that if you're using Google Drive, make sure your privacy settings for the link allow us to view them! You're more than welcome to use any other sites as well, like links to your Twitter, DeviantArt, photo hosting sites, etc.‼️ Links that don't work may disqualify you. We recommend testing your links in an Incognito browser!


💙 Please include a link to your portfolio and 3 samples that you think showcase your writing the best! The portfolio can be anything like a Google Drive folder to your Ao3 account. This is just to give the mods an opportunity to check out other work if we're struggling to make a decision!🧡 One of your three samples must be from either Gojo and/or Yuuji's POV.💙 Samples should showcase the style you plan on using for the zine! Each sample must range from 1k-2.5k words. Your first sample must read as a completed story.🧡 If you choose to include NSFW pieces, please make sure to let us know that they're NSFW! Please also tag any triggers that might be included in your samples, like any explicit content, MCD, gore, dead dove, etc.💙 You can link your samples below, but please remember that if you're using Google Drive, make sure your privacy settings for the link allow us to view them! You're more than welcome to use any other sites as well, like links to Archive of our Own works, Google Drive, etc.‼️ Links that don't work may disqualify you. We recommend testing your links in an Incognito browser!